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laughs nervously....so this is the end of the chapter SORRY =v=;;

It was too tempting to end the chapter here I had to do it I HAD TO. Chapter 6 is the last chapter and I cannot stress enough how much I like happy endings, so even though it hurts now I promise the end result won't be bitter. You're just going to have to trust me.

Anyways I have to take a break before starting chapter 6 to do the book extra and send the book to print. It's not a vacation so please don't tell me to have a nice break bc I got full body shudders looking at how much work I have to do still lmao;;

Chapter 6 will ~tentatively~ start June 18. I have so much work to do for the book that I might end up needing more time, but hopefully I will be able to get everything done by then. 




😭😭😭 he looks so fucking heartbrokeeeennnn!!!! I trust you to give us a happy ending but for right now I'm feelin what Gannet feels right now ;;; u ;;; 💔💔 Also...RIGHT IN FRONT OF HIS MOM'S PORTRAIT TOOOOOO!!! 😭😭😭💔💔


Ahhh thank you for the most thrilling chapter yet! I can't wait to see how it ends. Thank you for your hard work, Lucid!!!

Clio Henry

When I see that last image, a Bryan Adams song (yeah I’m old; sue me) comes to mind : “Take, these broken wings/and learn to fly again, learn to live so free/and when we hear/our voices speak/the book of love will open up/and let us in.” Hurry up and learn to fly (and hide your wings!) Gannet; Bailey’s counting on you.


that last panel is heart breaking )':


You do expressions so well! Good luck with everything you need to do - we're rooting for you!


Seeing how much you have grown as an artist since AM makes me so happy!


This is heartbreaking and all but I definitely snorted at Gannet having his screwed over mother be the backdrop to his own emotional gutting. Subtle.


Work hard! Can’t wait to see the rest!!




I just now realised that he broke down in front of his mothers painting. 😭 brb gonna cry in a corner now.


Thank you so much for this series! It's been such a pleasure to read so far and I'm really happy to be able to finally support you here! Do your best and please know that regardless of when the next chapter drops, you've still got us to support you and cheer you on! Thank you so much again! I really can't wait for more of what you have to post! (Sorry for a high key sappy first comment OTL )

Amanda Poland

This page has so much impact with his mom’s portrait behind him!! I’m holding out for my happily ever after with these two!! I can’t wait to see how Silas reacts to Ezra throwing out Bailey!!