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Today’s the 4th anniversary of Avialae! Thank you so much for reading and supporting my work 🙏🙏🙏

Also! I had a lot of fun drawing this...I might try to keep doing monthly uncensored NSFW illustrations for $10+ patrons :3c

Oh and Gannet’s getup is based off Creepyyeha’s ravish me set! http://creepyyeha.tumblr.com/



Sheena Warren

Congratulations on the anniversary!! I would love to see a piece like this each month!! I honestly love anything you do with this comic and your NSFW stuff is basically perfect!! Please stay awesome!! <3


I love this comic, and have been following for years *.* also YES PLEASE ON THE MONTHLY NSFW *drools*


Oh! And after one year you'll have enough to make a naughty calander ;) Happy anniversary!!!

Dakota ♡

I hope you do make this monthly so hot >///< !!!


I like the idea of a hot calendae!


OHHHHHHH this is GOOOD I'd be very much up for monthly pinup style things!

Mandy C

Gannet's peace sign tho 😂

Clio Henry

Congrats on four years! And now I know not to open this site in class when someone could look over my shoulder! ;-P

Eddie Fly

I looked the other day and realised I have been your patreon for a year, I didn't know I had been following you that long.

J.K. Hogan

I am totally onboard with this plan.

Clio Henry

Talk about having Gannet spread eagle...very nice!


I've been blessed this day