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haha yeah it'll be fine it's always fine



Mandy C

I'm a firm believer in following ones dreams despite a significant other but in this case bird husband > degree you're not even gonna fucking use


Bailey obviously needs a degree in ornithology


They can do it, no matter what!


Does anyone have a feeling of something really bad happening soon?...


Your pants are on fire, sir.


On another note, I want to know how that jacket stays on.


holding yourself back for your high school sweetheart is never a good idea, good job gannet.


This is just sad. Poor baby.

Clio Henry

Uh, no. Speaking from experience, do not EVER lay your dreams aside for someone you love, especially if it's a person you fell in love with at eight-fucking-teen. Even if it is an angelic-looking bird boy. If it was meant to be, they will be there for you; if not, you will have still used your time (and your youth) wisely.


I sense a storm coming.

Mandy C

I'm talking about a fictional story. I myself am a college student graduating this year. It ain't that serious. This boy has wings. I'm commenting on pure fiction.

Mandy C

I don't suppose most people in real life have a bird boyfriend to worry about. I don't think a post with the term "bird husband" should be taken seriously.

Clio Henry

Totally get it, and on the fantasy level, I’m right there with you. Unfortunately, as a teacher, I have seen faaar to many people your age and younger who go by this in real life, to disastrous effect. Just putting it out there, but I commend you for knowing the difference between what works in fantasy interspecies romance and regular folks; not enough people do. Didn’t mean to cause conflict.

Sheila Enos

same kinda concerne. o cn't see these two losing each other. My herat would break


too much suspense for whats to come xD


That's okay, they'll make it work!! Because in the wise words of Jamie: "[A relationship] is something you have to build. It's something you have to work for"!!!!! ヾ(*´∀`*)ノ💙💖✨

Mandy C

No worries! A lot of young people definitely need to be a bit more realistic