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At least he's marginally reasonable in his fear.



Samar Dorf

Awwww the bird boy is scared of heights. That's actually super cute

Amber Newton

Think of the epic flights these two could take. Oh my gosh, I hope these two work on Gannet’s fear and he is able to fly soon without fear.


Gannet, you're supposed to be a bird, not a koala.


I envy him. Two steps up a step stool or ladder, and I'm petrified. And Koala!Gannet is adorable!


Ahhh~ Bailey...always teaching Gannet a lesson one way or another... ;3 I love that Gannet still wants to know the point Bailey wanted to make :3


Bailey is the best birdfriend ever! I mean boyfriend.....


Aww the way he's clinging to Bailey, awww.


Same here with the petrification! My work makes me climb ladders often and I'm always terrified of falling off T~T


merp! these two just get cuter and cuter!! <3

Clio Henry

Aww, even in his fear, bright little bird boy is still curious! Hopefully he will be reasonable enough to work on his fear of heights, so they can have some epic flights together. Maybe fly to hand job valley to have some post-flight coitus!


u just gotta sing! i believe i can fly~

Sheila Enos

Are you gonna continue after chapter 4 in this series?

Sheila Enos

Awesome lol at least I have a idea of how long . Keep up the awesome work I love these two boys lol