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There will not be a new page of River St today, my ac broke last week and I was busy getting it fixed today;; New page on Saturday as usual, though!

Also! Sugar Rush is almost here! These are the freebie stickers that come with the physical book (I'll put leftovers in my store after). The book should be in hand Friday or Monday and physical patreon rewards and store orders will be sent out the same day.

So here is my semi annual haranguing of all you $15+ patrons TO MAKE SURE YOUR ADDRESS IS CORRECT AND IF NOT UPDATE IT!! If you do not do so and your book gets lost or returned to us we may have you pay shipping again.




Where can I change my adress?? Bc I wanna change it to a friends one since I’m moving in a couple of weeks and I don’t know when the stuff will arrive 😵‍💫


*frantically logs into web patreon to make sure*