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Hey there everybody! Time for another wip update, this week I've ended up with some time to work on my versions of some more ponies! First, Starlight, Sunset and Trixie. 

Got some really fun shapes going in here, I'm especially happy with glim glam's tail and trixie's whole body shape. I should do more big thighs...

And the collection of princesses is finally complete! Or, until I add  princess twilight, and maybe chrysalis. Does she count? I think a queen is close enough, and she would be in that 7-10 foot size class. Either way, check it out, celestia's bra size is 38/GG! (or quadruple D, or H, depending. Cup size labels are an absolute mess even just within one country) The important thing is that each one is as big as Trixie's head, and I just think that's neat.

I've also further refined my workflow for making a pony, I can do it pretty efficiently now. The key thing when you're trying to make a process efficient is to minimize repetitive work, and while you can do this by rigorously planning ahead, one of the most effective ways to do it is to do it a few times and pay attention to which tasks you do a lot, and identify the repeated tasks that you can find shortcuts for. For example, instead of hand painting a lot of elements of each pony's albedo map, I'm now baking the texture together from a bunch of premade elements that I can then tweak.

Now, to be clear, I'm not talking about automation here - I think a lot of people get intimidated by this kind of rigging and asset creation because they think it involves a lot of coding. In reality as a solo artist it's mostly just finding effective procedures for high-volume tasks. I do use a little hacky script I wrote to automate some changes to the rigify spine, but generally I try to avoid coding when I can. it's often a false economy.

Also, here's what Luna's outfit for the Poll #12 animation is looking like! I'm making progress on that one, but it may be a little while as december is a total mess of a month but it will get done!

This one is more of a pussy out look, really. I want to do "royal outfits" for all of the princesses, all crazy fun designs, all very revealing.

Stay tuned, more fun stuff on the way! I'm going to be taking a bit of time off to see the family for the holidays but I'll try not to let it affect posting here too much!




Models are great.

Sparky Lewolf

height difference are like spacemarines XD


I'm absolutely delighted, it's really incomparable. I hope that everything will be fine with you. Happy holidays to you.

Robbie Ierubino

Curious question. When do you plan on adding some alicorn/pegasus models wings?