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Guess what! I've once again done something stupid. Some of you may remember this animation I posted last year, long before I dreamed of having a Patreon or doing this long-term (Thank you again!). I was pretty dissatisfied with it, it was almost impossible to render, had no sound, not my best animation work and questionably edited.

It's a fun, kinda goofy idea that I find really compelling, and I wanted to give it a proper go - so I've been remaking it! This time with Flutterbat played by the always wonderful Wubcake, and much better rendering - thanks to the upgrades to my system you guys have helped me make! It won't be as long as Study break, but we're still looking at way more than two minutes of the good stuff. There's a playblast of the intro scene you can take a peek at here.

Naturally, I've once again bitten off more than I can chew and/or given myself not quite enough time to get it done! Here we are three days before Halloween and I'm once again scrambling to get this thing out. A lot of it is done! Here's the plan: 

"around" (hopefully on, but who knows) Halloween, I'm going to  release a short version - much more than a trailer, but less than 2/3 of what it will be when finished. That'll be publicly available from the get-go. Then, as soon as it's done, you guys will get the sort of "directors cut" - the full version with nothing cut for expediency. That will then be a patreon exclusive for a few weeks and released in two parts the same way study break was. I hope that's ok! It's the best way I can think of to balance the production concerns, you guys getting early access and actually releasing the spooky animation on halloween.

If there's anything you really want to see in the full version, sound off about it in the comments! I can't promise I'll add whatever y'all ask for but there is a little bit of wiggle room at the moment.



Red Smaragd

Make the blowjob scene really sloppy and make him cum down the throat


the original video is how i found your work, so looking forward to seeing the conclusion👍


Heck ya! This was one of the animations I could have seen more of, so this is great news! I'm fine with it taking longer if it means it will be better.


So glad to hear it! Sometimes it's hard not to feel like an insane person revisiting the same weird idea from last year and still not having the whole thing done on time again, but it'll be much better this time.