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Hey y'all! This is more of a variety grab bag. I'm steaming ahead on finishing the flashlight animation, so apologies that I'm falling increasingly behind on these updates. I've also been spending a lot of time working on an exciting project "under the hood" - no details right now, but when the current larger animation is done, I think you'll like what comes next ;)

I've put up frame-burned playblasts for the included gifs here, if you want to pick through them properly! Maybe these wip updates could become like dailies, eh? If you don't have a good tool for properly reviewing animation I can recommend keyframe MP2 as a bare-bones lightweight option: it does frame-stepping and bookmarks, but no draw-overs, unfortunately. I don't think syncSketch would take kindly to this kind of content :P

Enough animation nerd talk. I've also been working on some scenery assets, as always! I've finally hit on an ocean shader I'm really happy with, I think it's actually quite neat, physically accurate and really not that slow to render - it ended up being quite simple. 

I've found some great work done by Aurek-Skyclimber on deviantart, actually cataloguing show reference to lay out relatively consistent floorplans for a lot of the main locations - something that, frankly, I suspected may be impossible, but they managed it! Check them out if you're interested in that sort of stuff.

I've noticed quite a few folks are surprised that all (most) of my dynamics are entirely manually animated. It's actually a very fast and effective way to work, I think more people should do it! Would any of y'all be interested in a breakdown of my process?




I dont know much about all the other stuff but i think in that animation Shining broke Twilight. xD


i would be very interested but i don't know if i would understand much since i don't animate myself ^^'


Education? Sounds interesting! Love to learn how people do their hobbies/talents.


"Behind the scenes" material is always appreciated.

pomegranate horsie

I have some critique for the flashlight and the first rarity animations, but they’re nothing major and I am typing this up on mobile, so I’ll do those later. I don’t like how the breast folds up so tightly on frame 8. It feels like if the lower volume of the breast is being shoved that far forward as seen on her left breast, then it would already be pushing the nipple further up and out of the way instead of compressing like that. Frame 9 has a divot on her right breast that the lighting catches - nabd, but it might stand out depending, especially on rarity’s white skin. On frame 9 it looks like the volume is gone, and then the lower portion of the breasts sort of reinflate on frame 10. Maybe shove that out the sides a little on frame 9? Not sure. On another note, the nipples seem to take a funky path where they kind of hop up right before the end and then shoot out instead of going in a curve. Up until frame 10 they are swinging up, but then they start pushing out instead at a pretty fast rate. It’s like they’re pivoting around a pretty close point and then all of a sudden just shooting forward without any prompting. I think the reason that feels off is because normally they’d keep going tangent to the curve they were on? But the motion feels off because there’s not really anything to prompt that I think, since the nipples shouldn’t have any weight to them, since they’re just tied to the volume of breast tissue which should have the momentum. Unrelated to the breast, rarity’s left hand moved a lot less than I was expecting. I’m not sure if you just haven’t keyframed it or are waiting on something else, if so ignore me, but I feel like if she’s getting slammed that hard then if she’s only loosely resting it on her leg it should jostle a lot more, and if she’s putting pressure (yay! skin deformations!) then it should move up and down / in and out along with her shoulder given how much it’s moving. Anyway, my real complaints are the motion/shapes between 7-10, everything else looks pretty dandy.


oh wow, the mechanics on those breasts are really scuffed, huh? Definitely worth fixing, thanks!

pomegranate horsie

Something else I just noticed is that on the second rarity animation, the breast kind of just returns to a neutral hanging position after swinging backward. If you want it to look really aggressive and help sell the initial impact, having it swinging back right before the impact might help. I’m imagining if rarity is driving herself back a little the motion would be offset in the cycle by around 1/4 of the cycle so after she stops moving forward her breasts keep going, then she moves back and they hit the max displacement and fully stretch out/inflate, and then she stops to be ready for the next thrust and her breasts start smushing/swinging backward, and then as she’s hit they finish swinging back with a little jolt in sync with the impact, and then start moving forward etc. Basically, have her breast motion lag the impact a little more (1, 2 frames of this at most, less on the front swing and more on the back swing) to help emphasize them being soft and squishy, heavy with a lot of momentum, and not just dumping all the momentum at the end. Does that make sense? I can try and sketch over some frames when I get to a pc when I get a chance.


Yeah no that makes total sense! I've been thinking adding follow-through in place of the settle, I think it depends on what the resonant frequency of a breast that size is. Maybe that's something one could actually figure out...