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Alright, apologies for the delay with this one, I just kept getting more things done! We're checking in with that flashlight animation again, it's getting into the final stretch. The animation is roughly 85% done at this point, and rendering is just under half finished. In the last update I said it would be about the length of the angelshy animation from last year... but I was completely wrong. It's looking more like twice as long, and it could go as long as three minutes! Not bad for a couple of months of part time work.

I've also been working on (another) new way of animating cumshots, this time based off of the curve workflow I talked about in the last update. Turns out moving both the curve and the constrained geometry along it can pretty well approximate how a sticky rope flies through the air, with different parts travelling at different speeds. (reference is key to get this right, it's very important the the spurt break up in the air at least somewhat) Combine that with a bit of shapekey replacement animation like I did on the angelshy animation, and maybe using particle simulations as a guide, and I think you've got a general workflow that can cover 80% of cases for our favorite viscous goo.



pomegranate horsie

Nice, sounds like you have a great workflow going for fluids. I like the twitching motion you have for the cumshot. I figure this is probably because it’s just a blocking demo, but during the cumshot it looks like the penis is just rotating along the base. It might look better with a (very subtle) little bit of translation as well to help emphasize that, and the head and cavernosum could swell up a bit too in time with the pulses. For the second photo of twilight where she’s sitting on the ground, her leg looks really bad at that angle. I assume it’s due to putting ungulate legs on a human torso with normal thighs and upper legs, not really a way to make that look normal no matter what you do. Maybe smooth out the point at the start of the curve on the left. (If you wanted to get tricky about it, you could make the skirt just a little bit longer and try to raise the camera a bit to hide it).


Ahaha yeah lmao god, I didn't notice how visible that broken leg is. That's actually just lazy posing on my part, it's not visible in the final shot. My weird ass half-unguligrade legs do work, I promise! Just, you have to be careful when posing them. Make the skirt longer? Blasphemy. Heresy!