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It's about to get fancy with this corny lick. Very simple idea that can sound very odd, strange, or fancy depending on your taste. Regardless, it's a classic corny lick that people use to sound like they actually know what they are doing.


Corny Licks to Save The Day - #4 | The Fancy Pants

Teaching You Everything I Know ▶▶ https://www.patreon.com/log_sounds More guitar playing ▶▶ https://www.instagram.com/log_sounds My group ▶▶ https://galiasocial.bandcamp.com It's about to get fancy with this corny lick. Very simple idea that can sound very odd, strange, or fancy depending on your taste. Regardless, it's a classic corny lick that people use to sound like they actually know what they are doing. Mandatory Intro (0:00) The Fancy Pants (0:30) Fingerings (2:31) Making Modifications (6:03) What This Sound Is (10:54) Recap (14:53)


Oskar Westerstrand

Cool! A bit more to “unpack” with this one. I like it.