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Here's a special TBSP episode! It took two weeks of really hard work to animate it, but it was totally worth it. I've always wanted to revisit the Assassin Creed episode. The original TBFP video is so goddamn funny, All the setup to get the achievement, Pat's insane laughter at the end, everything is just perfect! TBSP probably wouldn't exist without it.

When I animated the first episode five years ago, I was still learning after effects, and I wasn't taking the thing seriously. It was supposed to be a one time joke, that's why the animation is so bad!

So I realized last month that the 5th anniversary was coming up. And I thought that this was good opportunity to finally reanimate the episode, and give it the care that it deserves!





<a href="https://youtu.be/P3ALwKeSEYs" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/P3ALwKeSEYs</a>


Thank you so much! &lt;3

The Ferret

Loving the 'epsiode' as you put it in the intro n_n

Tao Kaka

Nice work on the redo. So does that mean The Portal one is next? :D


haha! Yeah, maybe I'll do Portal 2 for the 10th anniversary.

Tao Kaka

Lol You sure you want to be saying that? I mean 5 years did just fly by real quick. :)

John Scott

can you do slender man game play. also can you do the game grumps shows as well. I love your work it is amazing.


nice work love this channel then anything ales on patreon


your awesome:)