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Oh boy, this video is a week late! I had a lot more stuff to talk about, but I just couldn't put any more time into this update. Sorry!


January Update

https://www.patreon.com/2Snacks Music: Cowboy Bebop - Time to Know-Be Waltz Persona 4 - Game Banjo-Kazooie - Bottles' Bonus MadWorld - Get It Up Yoshi's Woolly World - Spiky Stroll トゲの上でもだいじょうぶ KingSpartaX37 - Rarity x Hydrocity Zone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rwU9Q9CrPmQ



Whaaaat are the odds of you re-changing your mind back to Chrysalis and Cadance, no Twilight? (At least for the main four)


I like the idea of Cadance and Chrysalis as Liam and Willie respectively. You converted me. Wonderful!


I completely agree with whatever decisions you so choose. I also feel like you can slip Plague in on a Dark Souls episode.

The Ferret

Very cool stuff and I wonder if maybe your schedule was a bit too ambitious? You know best but either way, go you for getting yourself organized! I confess I was totally on the Chrysalis/Cadance-Woolie/Liam side, but you've sold me on the idea. It sounds like great fun. I could see a lot of shenanigans of Chrys dropping her disguise when she freaks out.


so obviously this means Eli is Applejack. although I could see Discord with the right argument. have a great January and February!


I like cadence and cheese legs, also I forgot to suggest the deadly premonition playthrough. I want to see ponies with boomboxes and pickles.


it's not set in stone yet, I'll consider all the options before the next episode.


I was on the side of Cadance as Woolie and Liam as Twilight myself, but now that I see what you had in mind for Twilight I think it'll be better to switch back to your original idea. While Chrysalis droppings her disguise would be fun, I think isn't that abit too much work? And make it more confusing...plus, where's normal Cadance then? Sorry to be that guy, but you convined me on the original idea and I love it now XD