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Happy new year everybody!

I just finished all of the two best sisters sequences in this scene! Now I gotta animate all the other enemy characters. One of them is going to catch on fire! That should be fun!

The month of December just ended, and I feel like it could have been a lot more productive. So let's start this year with a production schedule!

These are my plans for the next 2 months! I'm a little bit worried about the last scene though. If it gets too rough, I might not do a video update in february, I'll just focus on the animation.

Characters and episodes

I got a lot of suggestions in the last update! And I still haven't read through all of the comments, but from what I've seen, people are split on the characters choices. So I just wanted to say that I hear you! And I think I have a solution that will please everybody! (Hopefully :p)

I'll talk more about it in the next video!

The new PC


Here's the build:

i7 6700k (cheap and powerful!)

Asus B150 pro gaming (this is not a gaming build, but this motherboard is pretty good, lots of sata and usb slots)

32gb 2400MHz DDR4 Corsair RAM (the cpu limit is actually 2133 but the 2400 was cheaper)

480gb SSD Kingston (first time using a SSD, it's great! super fast!)

2TB Seagate HD

GTX 770 (using my old GPU and HD for now)

After Effects Benchmarks:


Duration 8 seconds - I've showed this sequence in a previous update. Really simple, no backgrounds, no effects just the characters.

old PC 14min 20sec
new PC 05min 34sec


Duration 3 seconds - This is a heavy composition, with lots of layers and high resolution footage. I did not rendered the characters in this test.

old PC 06min 33sec
new PC 02min 20sec




what program do you use for your 2d animations?


It's so odd going from total silence from you to constant updates! Now I can no longer joke about needing to find the dragon balls to revive you. Oh well~ ^^ Don't think I threw in my 2 cents about the character choices here so... I think Cadence or Twilight is fine for Liam. But now that you brought it up, Chrysalis is best for Woolie, her being the character easiest to associate with the legendary Woolie Hole.


The dream is real boys


A solution that will please all of you... oh god, is Woolie gonna be Chrysalis but constantly turn into Cadance? 'Cause that would be brilliant. Then we can have our Twilight-Liam

Tao Kaka

Hey! It's a schedule! But can you keep up with it 2snacks? lol


Jesus, i wish i could keep up a schedule like that.


What program do you use