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Holy crap you guys, I launched this thing yesterday and I already have so many patrons! Thank you for the support!

Here's a gif to celebrate!

Yeah... It's kinda of hard to share any the footage of this episode, there are spoilers on every scene! I really just want to finish this thing asap! So I was thinking about the best way to speed up the animation process, and I think that the biggest problem right now is my PC. It's almost 6 years old! After effects is really struggling with the big scenes. And I was looking at some benchmarks, and there are some powerful CPUs out there! So I decided to invest on a new computer! It's something that I wanted to do for a while now, but it was a too expansive. Thanks to your support I can finally make this happen!




We all love your work! Get the best!


We're happy to help 2Snacks, just keep trying your best in what you want to do. That's all we can really ask. But whatever you do, we'll be here to support you!

Wireball MacCarter

Yay, tangible benefits! Heh, I like how you handled the spoiler :) P.S. This is a good week for it, too, with the sales leading up to Black Friday.


I'm super excited for the video, and I'm super excited for you! :D


I love your work! Best sisters play persona 4 is one of my all time favorite videos


Well deserved man, I enjoyed your episodes so much, when they stopped appearing and wondering what was going on, I read somewhere you got a C&D, glad that's not the case, if Patreon allows for more frequent episodes, then shut up and take my money!


This is all so awesome I'm going to fund you a little bit for now since your awesome but once you get those goals up I'm totally upping my amount. I love the spoilers cause I don't even want to know what this episode is about until you release it and it just makes the entire wait so much more exciting. Keep up the great work I'll be watching for the new episode and helping so hopefully more then one come out next year!

Tao Kaka

Glad that we can help you. :D


Glad to help 😊


Your shit's really good, you shoulda cashed in a long time ago.


wew lad


Oh Spoiler Ball, I love you so! Fly with me to the castle!


Damn, Matt Moonbutt looks adorable rubbing his/her cheek on the unknown video game identifier.

Nauth le Roy

Naaah dude, the love for this series is too great, we gotta see more of this beauty!


You may consider holding off on the CPU upgrade till Zen launches. I read that they plan to have an 8 core hyperthreaded for around 300 @ 3.1 ghz (all rumor at this point). If that is the case you'll get much more bang for your buck with that CPU.


You do such a good job and I think you are quite popular whenever a new video brings peoples attention back to you that I suspect that you'll have a pretty decent income before too long at all. Good luck. Assemble an awesome computer to create nice things okay? :P Also the models have a very above average quality to them and they seem to have smoother than silk lip syncing and that is gorgeous. Can't wait until you use them too.


I have been waiting to give you money


are you guys back?


And now to go watch all the things again

Jesus Hinojosa

How do we know this isn't the impersonator? <a href="https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e9n9iR7iJNE" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=e9n9iR7iJNE</a>