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Man, it's been so long since I've done one of these quick episodes! And by "quick", I mean something that I can finish in one month. I love when these videos come together, but It's absolutely brutal to make them. It involves some intense crunching, if I'm not sleeping or eating, I'm working ?. And I wasn't even able to finish this one in time :p

I'm exaggerating, btw. There are some exhausting times, but I try to take good care of my body and mind every day ?. And despite the delays, people seem to be really enjoying the episode! So it worked out fine!

But let me explain why I animated this. The 2D TBSP that I've been showing you guys in the previous updates is an Animal Crossing episode! I started working on it back in January with the goal of finishing it in March, close to the release of the New Horizons game, but last month it became clear that it just wasn't possible. So I opted for delaying it, instead of rushing it.

But I also hadn't posted a new video on the YT channel in a while. And I really didn't want to follow up an old update video with a new update video. So I started thinking of what kind of animation I could realistically do in a month, and an April Fools video seemed like a good idea. I remembered that the FF7 remake was coming in April too, and the Best Friends have this amazing FF8 video, where Liam and Woolie are just playing Triple Triad and shiting on everybody. I thought that this combination would work quite well for a TBSP April Fool's video! But... Couldn't finish in time.

You know, last year Red Dead was going to be an April Fool's video, and that went completely off the rails! Missed that date by a few months...But this year, I got pretty close. And next year, fingers crossed, I'm finally gonna do it. Make and deliver an April Fool's video on time! ?

The other reason for me to finish this video on time was to not screw up my schedule. And right now, my schedule is a little bit screwed up! I'm organizing the Unity project for the rewards, I'm working on a new intro for Matt and there's still a lot of work to be done on the Animal Crossing animation. So, I'm gonna get back to work now!

Take care, guys!




I have to say that I love your 3D, so don't feel bad about not doing 2D!


It was a fantastic and hilarious video :D I enjoyed it plenty! Also, take care you too!