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Last week I animated a lot of Celestia, but not a lot of Bojack. I did make some good progress with his rig though!

There's still some stuff left to do, like making more hand poses, and rigging some puppet pins, etc. But all the main controls and expressions are done!

I ended up mostly doing backgrounds this week, and man, Canterlot has a lot of detail. I downloaded a few fan-made vectors to save time with some of the assets, but it still is a lot of work, especially with animated elements, like the water. I'm actually using the same technique that I use for Luna/Celestia's mane to animate it. The Displacement Map effect:

I could have also used multiple wave warp effects to achieve this result, but I think it's easier to control the entire waterfall with a single comp. And there are some particle effects in there too, just to add more detail.

And that's it for this update. I'm gonna try to record a new WIP video this month, it's been a while since I uploaded one of those, and it's a good opportunity to show the animation process on BoJack!



The Ferret

I love how I can look at that gif and instantly hear Pat's voice. Bojack is looking really cool as well. :)


Celestia and Canterlot are so amazing.