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I'm finishing up the 3D animation right now! This is just a quick update to let you guys know that we're still on schedule, but things got shuffled around a little bit:

I ended up working on the post-credit and 3D sequences first, so the shadow 2D scenes got moved to this month. But the release date for the episode remains the same, July 21st! I also edited and fixed some footage from part 2, so that'll make the final week of production a little bit easier.

These pasttwo weeks have been really interesting,and I don't want to spoil too much,so I'll just talk a little bit about the animation process. The 3D sequence needs to look like the PS2 game, and as you can see in the image above, I'm using Unity to help me with that. It's been a nice little introduction to the software, there's still a ton of stuff that I don't understand (especially the coding), but I'mmuch more comfortablebringing over the 3D assets from Maya and working in this new interface, and it got me much more excited to work on the game after this episode is finished!

The post-credit sequence is just a regular after effects 2D scene and it involves Dr.Robotnikbrowsing the web. That's all I'm gonna say about that. But speaking of Dr.Robotnik, have you guys seen this? It's gonna be like a buddy cop flick. I can't even with this movie...



Tao Kaka

Thanks for keeping us in the loop 2snacks! Also, no, I did not see that about the Sonic movie. Infact, I didnt even know there was one till now.

Lucky Knight

Nice work and they're making a Sonic movie - cool :)