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Hey, guys! Sorry for the lack of updates, this month has just been crazy, holy crap! You guys probably don't know what's happening in my country right now, but the situation is a little bit chaotic at the moment. And, you know,I'm just trying to stay positive, stocking up on food... gearing up for the societal collapse!

But anyway, besides thatI also had tons of work this month. I started animating that Matt intro three weeks ago, and I got a lot done in a short period of time. So I thought to myself: "Hey, I'm making some good progress! How about I make a traditional frame by frame animation in flash for the last sequence? That should be pretty cool!". And then I learned a valuable lesson: Traditional animation takes an eternity to make (and I'm not good at it(and my wrists hurt))! I hated the process, and I'm polishing up the animation right now. But, I can't wait to show it to you guys when it's done! LittleV did the music so you know it's going to be hype!

And don't you worry, I haven't stopped working on TBSP. The animation for Casino Night zone is finished! Which means I'm finally moving on to part 3, and I already have most of the characters lip-synced and ready for animation! So I really, really, really want to get this episode done in June.




I totally forgot, you live in Venezuela don't you? That place is really taking a nose dive, but I hope it gets better soon - and doesn't go full USSR.


Don't worry man, the safety of you and yours will always supercede awesome horse animations! Stock up, have a bug-out bag if you need to leave quick. Here's hoping things stabilize in your country sooner than later. Thanks as always for your updates and awesome content!


No! I live in Brazil, we're dealing with a very different set of problems: <a href="https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-05-26/brazil-working-around-strike-but-fuel-food-scarce-in-many-areas" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-05-26/brazil-working-around-strike-but-fuel-food-scarce-in-many-areas</a>


Move to america boyo lol


Is there anything we can help with?

Harmless Kitten

That's awful to hear! About your country, that is. I hope things stabilize soon, and if there's anything we can do to help, don't hesitate to let us know!