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Hi everybody! I had a busy week with medical exams and tests (nothing serious, just a regular check-up), so there wasn't a lot of time for animation, but I still got some other stuff done.

I rendered all the pony scenes for part 2, and after effects took a whopping ten hours to do it, which is weird because there's nothing too crazy going on in the animation, so I'm not sure why it took that long. Unfortunately, I'll have to render it again, because I found some animation errors while I was editing the footage, and there're a few segments that need a little bit of tweaking. But other than that, I'm very pleased with the editing, it takes some time to find the right sound effects, but the episode is coming together really well!

Besides the editing, I fixed a couple of bugs with the rigs,got most of the lip sync for part 3 done and took the time to organize the BSP project file. That's the file where I have the couch and TV backgrounds, set up with the latest iterations of the pony characters, ready to animate. I actually had a tough time animating part 2, because of the number of layers in the composition. so I got rid of the unnecessary stuff, duplicated the characters into a new comp and used that as a mask, so now the shadow effects only take a few layers, here's a comparison:

I'm also working on some 3D stuff for the final scene, like characters and environments, but I don't want to spoil anything, so let's end this update with a basic shadow animation:

It may look like he's exercising, but this is his skating/running animation lol



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