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Sorry guys, I was working on aTBFP intro last week and everything got a little bit delayed. But I got a lot of stuff to talk about! So let's start with Shadow the Hedgehog:

Just like the last episode, I'm splitting this one up into 3 parts.

The animation for part 1 is all done, and I told you guys on the last update that to start animating the next part all I needed was to finish the lip-sync and some of the sonic characters, which I did! But I also forgot about something very important, there were some adjustments that I had to make to the Cadence and Twilight rigs. It's mostly small changes to thecontrols and the expressions, so it's not going to take too long. Part 2 will be done in 2~3 weeks, but the big problem is part 3, there's no way that I'll be able to finish that in December. Compared to Friday the 13th this episode has a lot more stuff going on in all the scenes, even with just theponies sitting on the couch, there's a lot more banter between thethree characters, it's a very different dynamic from aregular TBSP episode.
So it's really disappointing because I promised a new episode this month, and I my original plan was to release this on Christmas as a gift to all the fans! But unfortunately, it's not happening :( Shadow the Hedgehog is coming in January.

Now let me talk about a project that I've wanted to do for a long time, and it's finally going to happen next year. A Two Best Sisters game! But before you get too excited, this is just going to be a really simple and basic Unity game, because I have no game development experienceand I have a lot to learn! So a simple 2D TBSP game seems like a good place to start. I have a basic idea for the story, the characters, and the game mechanics. I actually want this to be a space shooter, and you're probably thinking "why the fuck are you sending horses into space?" but don't worry about it, it's going to make sense when you play it... hopefully! And I really want to make this clear, this is just a side project! It will not take priority over my animations. But if everything works out, and you guys really enjoy the game, maybe I'll try something a little bit more ambitious in the future.

The last thing that I wantto talk about, is a possible changeto the reward tiers. When I finished Fallout 4 I had a lot of assets available, and I launched thePatreonrewards with those assets in mind. I was pretty confident that I would've been able to keep up with it every month, but I ended up with no character rig for October, and that might happen again in the future. We are good for now, but next year I'll probably start offering different kinds of rewards. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do, but I'll let you guys know in advance if I decide to make any changes to the Patreon.

And that is it for now. I'll update you guys once I have some stuff animated for part 2!



The Ferret

Always nice to hear how things are progressing, regardless of speed. Glad to hear you're pacing yourself too and not trying to push too much out too fast and yay a TBSP game! Can't wait to hear more.


So excited for the new episode whenever it drops, and a game?! Whaaat? :D

Tao Kaka

Hey, no biggie! Just another month, thanks for giving us the heads up.