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Here it is!

First of all, let me thank you guys! Because this would not have been possible without you! Thank you very much for all your support and all of your patience! You're all very kind!

I'm really, really sorry it took this long, I severely underestimated those action scenes. So let me assure you that I'll be changing things up for the next one. I don't want to leave you guys waiting again!

I started working on this episode a long time ago, and it ended up turning into the biggest project I've ever done. These past few months have definitely taken a toll on me. But I'm glad that it's finally over, I'm happy with the result and I'm excited to start working on a new episode!  

Now I'm going to organize the Patreon, and get all the rewards ready, so stay tuned!


Two Best Sisters Play - Fallout 4

Sorry for the wait! Original TBFP Episode: https://youtu.be/xhhHcQliT4E My Patreon: https://patreon.com/2Snacks Best Friends Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheSw1tcher https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zYT_gNcOvK4



The legend returns! Awesome work!

Chibi Biscuit

This is sincerely one of the finest machinimas I've ever seen. Your devotion to quality is incredible! :D


Damn amazing. Perfect. I've been suffering a DWK drought for a while, and this was the perfect reminder that other awesome content creators still exist and need my money. Love you 2Snaks, fantastic job!


YOOOOOOO This was a ride! The animation is so good! And the action sequences are top Unf! 10/10 would support again


Really nice. Your videos got me to start watching the super best friends, so I'm glad to see another episode of Two Best Sisters Play, though I gotta say I don't care much for the noodle arms. Other than those, I really enjoyed this episode, the rest of the animation was great.

Stereoscope Comics

Loved it! Soooo worth the wait, and the perfect surprise for my wife (it's her Birthday). Great work. Gonna start sharing it around!


Utterly fantastic. Twenty entire minutes. Jeezuhs. This was so, so good.


I'm thrilled to see your return and look forward to all your TBSP plans! On a personal taste note, I just hope they are not all so violent. Of course, it wouldn't be Fallout without violence!


Congratulations on having finished this amazing episode! This is actually longer than the original TBFP episode by about 4 minutes. You've really come a long way in your skills, and it shows. This was worth the wait, and I'm proud to have helped you financially, if only a little bit.

Tao Kaka

It was fantastic to see! All that hard work has payed off. :D


Really loved the episode, and all the others, becuz of that, I has now becom ur humble patron! Keep up the awsum work with the dumb horses!


Words... cannot describe... Should have sent... a poet... This is SOOOOO worth the wait, LOVED it!


Your style improves tremendously with each video you put out. Keep up the great work!!


10/10 worth wait and dollar.


This was amazing. 5/7. Perfect.


can i be patron from now on? it says i can contribute no moar than dollar is that alright?


I literally cannot handle how adorable you made Luna/Matt look in this animation XD


this was fantastic. excellent work 2snacks


Great work as always! I'm glad you weren't too disheartened by abandoning the 3D models for your videos. Honestly I think your 2.5D characters are incredibly fun and expressive.

Harmless Kitten

This worth so much more than the wait! Fantastic job! I love how expressive you make the characters, and you have come so far since your first TBSP!




oh and do i get to become an actor of your's i have the good shit


All out on Fallout