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*Naughty Noble projects- I got the loops in working order at the moment, but decided to do a big of reworking on the ideas.

The mating Press is still going to be a looped animation with a sticky situation. I have the base loop basically finished at the moment.
I'll start working on the finisher next week.

Mating press loop at the moment

Still needs a bit of clean up, but is coming along.

Speaking of sound design. I reworked the pronebone animation to be just a looped animation. No sticky situation, and just a basic 30-ish second loop so I can do some more practice with sound design.

-Pronebone loop at the moment.

I need to learn a new editing software for sound design, Blender just isn't good for sound editing, so a nice animation like this will be perfect to learn the software, and practice sound design.

As for the overall project. I am going to be relaxing today, and tomorrow while I write a couple scripts. The idea is to get the pronebone loop ready for voice acting before the end of next week.
Some voice acting with decent sound design will make this project interesting I believe.

*Big Momma's babes- I almost have Anubis, and Athena ready for animations. Still trying to decide what to do with Big Momma first at the moment, but once I complete the basic looped project of Naughty Noble Pronebone I will start working on a project with most likely Anubis, and Big Momma.

Quick teaser of Athena in Blender

Still have a lot of tweaking needed, and some rigging, but... I plan on doing some basic renders of her next week like I did with Anubis.

*That will be all on this update. Hope to have the looped animations with basic sound for next weeks update. 

Thank you for continued support.




Can't wait you chose some great poses one of my favorite futa creators

Wolf Jilly Jill

Really love the naughty noble series, so can't wait to see updates for that especially.