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*TLDR- My new pc is dogshit, and I haven't had one day where Blender hasn't crashed, or the pc doesn't Bluescreen. I am delaying all projects for a bit so I can transition back to my old pc. Will get something done as soon as possible, sorry.

*I got a new pc, what feels like ages ago at this point, but... Since day one it has had issues. From Blender crashing almost every time I do basic things, to nonstop blue screens, and the computer straight up just freezing. Is it a bad driver that I failed to replace. Is it the CPU, RAM, or GPU just being faulty? Is it the motherboard? I don't know. 

I've had two blue screens where Blender was struggling to find my files after a reboot. Talk about a heart stopping moment. The thought of losing months of work because the computer has a problem. The first time was while I was working on Amazon's Plaything.
This morning was the second time it bluescreened, and Blender was struggling to find my files. I'm getting so close to finishing Boss Excella. Just need to finish the facials, and the creamy goodness. I thought I lost it all today.

With all of that being said... I am going to be moving back to my old pc. I already have a couple of the current projects ported over. Night, and day difference in terms of Blender performance. It's weird doing basic things in Blender again, and the pc just works... (Not a Todd Howard "It just work")
I plan on doing the port right this time. Don't want to lose my Daz characters this time.

I spent a lot of money on this pc... Well to be fair. You guys spent a lot of money on this pc. All of the money I make off of Patreon at the moment goes right back into Icky Sticky. Rather it is sound design, voice acting, new models, and scenes. To yes, a new computer that should... Make it easier for me to create animations.
I'm not giving up on this pc, but... I can't work with it at the moment. The last two options I have at the moment is a hard reset of the pc. The computer came with some software pre-installed. I hope that a complete wipe of the system could iron out the issues. (Fingers crossed.)
If that still fails, I plan on taking the pc to a computer store about an hour away from me to see if they can fix it.
The computer is really powerful with all the latest hardware. An Nvidia 4090, Intel i913900k with 64gbs 3200mhs RAM. This pc should not be struggling to do basic things in Blender. Let alone be bluescreening, and freezing.

I'm going to try, and have everything ported over as soon as possible. Thank you for understanding. Thank you for the continued support.



no worries take your time


Take a look at the Event Viewer (assuming you're using Windows). Event Types Critical and Error should help you narrow down the problem. Happy to help if you want to post the errors.