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*Boss Excella- I have this project pretty far along at the moment. Just need a couple more days to do some basic clean up on the dynamic movements, and then I can send it off for voice acting.
I think this one will be really nice with voice.

Here is a tease for the current render of the project.

Excella is getting her monies worth with that finisher. Hope to wrap this project up soon-ish. (Another week/two weeks max)

*Judy, and V anal- I basically have the loop done for this quick project. Still got to tweak the booty jiggle, and add some extra jiggles.
Shouldn't take too long to clean everything up, and add the dynamic goodness over the weekend.

Here is the current loop

Was interesting trying to have V jumping up in Judy without her head bouncing all over the place. Trying to keep that passionate/dominate vibe going.

*Spidey in trouble- I teased a bit ago that I wanted to do something with Evil Jacqui, and her massive meat hammer.
This week I was doing all the testing needed to make sure the pose/animation was possible. I'm pretty happy with the current loops I've tested.

Here is one of the loops. Still a heavy work in progress

This project is still in the early stages, but... I hope to get a solid voice actor for Jacqui so I can have fun with a lot of other superheroes.
I plan to have Jacqui dominate Super girl's big jugs next.

*Eugene's Sexcapades Next contestant- I tried really hard to get a decent Sonya Blade, but couldn't get the model to look how I had it before... Instead of wasting time trying to get her done, and stay motivated.
I decided to just go with a different babe instead.

Kitana had a pretty good looking model from the beginning so it didn't take much to get her looking a bit extra. I'm still concepting all of the poses at the moment, and haven't really done any animation work just yet.
Once I finish Boss Excella. This will be my main project moving forward that I hope to complete it before I need to start working on Krogan's Plaything-Miranda.

Some quick screen grabs of Kitana's body

Hope to make a quick render set of her soon.

*That will be all for this update. Got a lot going on, but... Feel like I'll be able to get something out on a weekly/biweekly basis. We'll see how long I'll be able to do that, but... I think it will be fine until I get to Krogan's Plaything. That project is going to take up most of my time.

Thank you for the continued support.




🤯🤯🤯 it's going to be a good summer 😄


Wow amazing work. cant wait.