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(Original animation)
*Naughty Noble- Was trying to clean up, and finish the two loops this week. I am still not completely behind the leg jiggles on the second loop, but I think it is far enough along to do the finisher part of the animation, and to start adding the dynamic goodness.

Current version of the second loop

(Story Driven animations)
*Cloud's compensation- I have this project almost fully blocked out. I still need to do the opener part, but that is just a few poses with a moving camera. Think that having the voice actors talk over the still poses will be a pretty decent opening.

At the moment the animated portion of the project is about one minute long with a creamy ending.

Here is a wip of the creamy part (Sticky parts still needed at the moment)

I feel like I still have a lot to do on this one, but also not that much at the same time. So, I am going to be trying to get the project cleaned up enough for voice acting by Monday.

*That will be all for this update- I really want to get Cloud's compensation done before the end of the month. For about the first ten-ish days of April I have a handful of doctor appointments to maybe figure out what is going on with me. It's going to be pretty stressful so I can't promise I will be productive during this time period.
If voice acting is able to get done by the end of next week. I am confident of a release date around the beginning of the month. We will see.

Hope to get started with a clean slate when I get back to it. First project being a breeding session between our favorite Amazonian, and her favorite shorty.




Thanks for the update 👍🏼. I know you want to push yourself to get things done. But when it comes to your doctor appointments that 10days. Use that 10days as full break from animating. As always the animations are looking good 😁👌🏼.


good luck for your medical exam