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(Looped animation)
*Amazon's Plaything- This project is basically done. I'm going to be spending the rest of the day doing some basic clean up, and adding some basic facial expressions. I plan on shipping the project to voice actresses to bring our Amazon to life, and get a voice for the well-hung beauty (Spidey).

WIP of the loop...

I did some basic renders of the Amazon, and Futa too.
Get them here 

Plan on having this project finished over the weekend if I can get voice acting/sound design back quickly. We will see.

(Story Driven animations)
*Sexual Data 1- I spent a lot of time setting everything up proper, and a lot of clean up for the finishers; adding some dynamic goodness to the first pose.
Pose one is basically completed at this point. Just some minor things missing. Will spend next week doing clean up, and adding all the goodness to pose two.
I still need to animate a beginning part, but I don't think it will take to much to accomplish that... I hope.

I predict another two weeks of hard work before the project is basically completed. I believe I will get most of what needs to be done by then for voice acting. Since they have helmets on I wont need to do any facial animations. So it should just be clean up after getting everything set up.

*That will be all for this update. Thank you for the continued support. If the Amazon's Plaything loop is successful I plan on turning it into something bigger once I finish Haydee, and Cloud's projects.




Look amazing! Any chance of p in v, or is it all anal?


This project is Anal only, but if I enjoy the overall project... The larger project I have planned will be in the V.


Spidey will be completely drained by the end of this by Wonder Woman >:3