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*Quick update- Going to give a quick project update. I will be taking this weekend off so I can enjoy the Dead Space Remake. Will be back to animating hot, and heavy on Monday though.

(Story Driven animations)
*Sexual Data 1- I have the main transitions for the loops completed/blocked out at the moment. Currently blocking out the beginning, and ending of the poses. 

Made an augmentation to the pounding loop that leads up to the slip out.

Also wanted to show off the booty jiggle without the arm being in the way. Makes it easier to see the peen slide between the cheeks on the slip out too.

(Story Driven animations)
*Cloud's compensation- I got the first transition fully blocked out at the moment. Still a lot of little things that need to be added to bring it to life, but I'm happy with it at the moment. Second transition/finisher is still in a rough state at the moment.

Loop 1 to loop 2 transition. 

Just need the Second transition completed, and an overall clean up, before I can start adding all the dynamic goodness to actually bring Tifa to life.

*That will be all for this update. I am going to be pushing to have all the big transitions completed by next update so I can start adding the dynamic goodness. Need to get some voice work done as soon as possible for both projects. I also plan on starting another looped animation next week. Don't know if that will be ready to show off for next update, or not... We will see.

Thanks for the continued support.




thank you for the news and good Dead Space Remake


Enjoy the Remake.