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*Apex Public Indecency- I worked mainly on the transitions this week. Took longer than I expected. Needing to think about how I am going to be adding the dynamic goodness on top of the transitions. Got a bit of clean up left to do before moving onto the dynamic stuff.

Nothing new to share with actual movements.

*Normandy's Cheerleader- I sent out the first animation this morning to the sound designer. Will most likely be released early to mid-next week.

Miranda will have multiple different clothing options. Six versions total.

*Normandy's Cheerleader continued- I teased a second pose idea that I wanted to get into motion before committing to it. I am happy to say that I have found a nice work around to make it possible.

(Jack going balls deep- Heavy Work In Progress)

I'm pretty happy with the loop at the moment. Still needs some clean up, and the basic necessities at the moment. I want to have it where Jack speeds up, and really starts slamming into Miranda before pulling away, and continuing her slower slam movement.

A lot of fun ahead.

*I haven't worked a lot on the Icky Sticky practice babes this week. Was mainly working on the Apex, and Mass Effect babes.

There is still quite a bit to do on both the Apex, and Mass Effect project. Apex Indecency needing voice work once the project is in good enough shape. Normandy's Cheerleader continued is going to take extra time for a second loop to be created, and the transitions.

Hope to have the projects done as soon as possible. Thank you for the continued support.




Jack futa, Miranda I find it very sexy thank you