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*Haydee Insemination part 2- The base for this animation was already shown off before, but I mainly took the time to clean it up a bit, and get it ready for adding the dynamic goodness.

The loop for the base animation...

I still see a couple things that could be tweaked, but I hope to have it fixed, and to have the dynamic goodness completed over the weekend.

*Apex public indecency- Still working on the first loop for this one. I plan to have a nice transition into a more pounding like loop. Slower hump into a faster hump.

Here is the first loop at the moment.

For some reason I feel like something is missing other then just needing to add to the booty jiggle. Should be able to figure it out before next weeks update.

*Bar after hours- To be honest... I don't know where this project is going. I spent the most time on this project, and feel like I am fighting the rig a lot to get basic movements down. If I can figure out how to properly use the rig a bit better it will be like my other projects, but it might get dropped. We will see.

The current progress

*That will be all for this update. Thank you all for the continued support.



David isBrosif

Love the detailed updates :)