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*What did you think about the sticky affects on the last project? "Hanako's Pleasure". I'm looking for thoughts, and opinions on the look of it, and movements of the liquid. Was it good enough for a creamy finisher, or would a better method be more enjoyable for you?
(EXAMPLE- Less liquid, and more faking it)

*Tribal Project- I made a bit of progress on the first loop of the project. It is still in a pretty early state at the moment, but it is coming along. I hope to have all of the loops in motion by the next update so I can reach out to Ashley's voice actress for some original moans, and simple voice lines for the final product.
(I am still debating on making the final animation a timed exclusive to patrons or not)

Here is the first loop of the project. I was mainly trying to get the alien in motion, and some of the booty jiggle down.

Here is the second loop I have planned. The idea is for a pretty rough, and hard hitting movement for this pose. Speeding up, and slowing down. Maybe a booty slap, and some hair pulling fun. We will see.

For the finisher pose I am still debating on how to do it. I am planning on two loops. A slower one where he is pulling out, and slamming in, and another loop where he is going to town before busting, and making it messy. (Might just be a fast movement that speeds up a bit before the climax. We will see.)

The final idea is to have the three poses go for about a minute, maybe a bit longer, and finishing with a nice sticky ending.  
I am also having issues deciding on which alien skin should be giving it to her in this project so... The plan is to just render out three versions of the project, and you can decide which alien you would like to see going to town. (I will be showing off a different skin in the next update to give an idea on how different skins will look in motion.)

*Big Momma's tease- I was going to animate the face sitting version, but I couldn't get it in motion how I liked it so I just canceled that idea. It will stay just some basic renders for now.

I did get the jerk in motion though. All it really needs is some basic clean up, and the dynamic good stuff. Will be cleaning it up over the weekend, and hope to get the sticky goodness in motion shortly after.

Here is the current motion at the moment.

It shouldn't take to much work to get this project done now. I don't know if I will be getting sound design for this one though. It really is just something for fun, and I was wanting to play with Big Momma a bit.

* That will be all for this week. Thank you for the continued support.




Tribal Project looking amazing so far! The exact thing I signed up for this Patreon for. As for the Hanako thing, if anything I think the nut needed to be more liquid, if that’s possible. Thanks for your continuing hard work.


Thanks for the feedback. For the more liquid like movement of the cum. I am just out of practice at the moment with my liquid physics. Will get better with more practice in the future. And for the signed up for projects like the Tribal Project. What about it interest you? The Alien idea? The rough humping? Let me know.


The alien is the biggest draw for sure (though the rough humping is very appealing too). Aliens are kind of a niche fetish, and I’m always glad to see people do them well. I particularly like how this animation lets us see the alien’s head and whole body in most of the shots. I don’t like how the guy’s head is always cut-off in most porn, especially if it’s a cool monster/alien guy. I’m glad to see this animation averting that and I hope we’ll see more animations that follow suit (I’ve wanted to see Sensei Moe’s face for a while now).


That's good to hear. I plan on doing a lot more Monster/Alien porn moving forward. (Not only those. Futa, and some Male stuff will still happen) I would love to show off more of Sensei Moe, but.. There is a clear reason behind it. Uhh. He has the face of another famous individual from Mass Effect that is actually a fan favorite. So... Hope that doesn't break the emersion to much, but... Yea I might get lucky one day, and figure out how to make a custom Salarian so we can see Sensei Moe completely.


That’s understandable, regarding the Moe thing. I haven’t played Mass Effect, so I personally wouldn’t mind, but I understand why you’re hesitant. I’m glad that this will be less of an issue going forward.


The Tribal Project is already looking great 👍🏼 mmm that ass jiggle 😍. For Hanako pleasure creampie, you got the amount and the overflow spot on 👌🏼. But the animation just stops which is understandable the video ends 1sec later. If it is possible to make the cum more fluid that would be great. But it's not a big issue like I said the amount and overflow 👌🏼.

Larile Millvet

The movement of the liquid was very good, but the colour looked weird... I'm not sure how to explain it. It looked out of place. Maybe it was how the lighting interacted with it, idk 🤔


Yea... I had the timing of the climax brought up. I personally never thought of it in that way. Was just a closer in my opinion so I will be playing with the idea of a longer climax. I mostly did the quick turn away because I'm not confident of the cum at the moment. Both the movement, and the look of the textures.


The is the materials of the liquids itself. I have been trying for months to get a decent cum shader. Still working on it, but I hope it is good enough for now, and future projects.


The Tribal Project very promising happy I am thank you for the news