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*Hanako's Pleasure- I got the sound design back a couple days ago. Being honest it is taking me a second to get back into it to finish this project up, but... I have a list of things that need to be added/cleaned up before release. I'm going to work really hard over the weekend to try to get everything completed, and wrapped up for next week.

Thank you for your patience 

*Big Momma teasing- This is a project I will be working on while I animate the "Tribal Project" Going to be a fun little project just to try something interesting.

I only came up with two ideas. The basic face sitting idea that I shared before. Wanted to just have someone's face between those cheeks again.

The new idea I have is a two parter sort of. I am going to make a basic loop, and then use that loop to make a creamy finisher version. (I mainly just want to practice some liquids again)

Here is the idea. Big Momma is going to be tugging on our lucky fan. Going to be a pretty fast stroke so we can have Momma's booty jiggling with her hand movements.

*Kimberly is improving- I'll be honest... I will do a proper update for her one day, but I am really liking every test I do with her. Just wanted to show off a bit of her some more.

("Icky Sticky" banners have changed to show off some of her beauty)

(She is a yoga instructor. Can't wait to show off her abilities early next year)

*That will be all for this update- I will be working hard to finish "Hanako's Pleasure" as soon as possible. I personally am just wanting to move onto new projects.

Thanks for the continued support.




Looking forward to seeing your projects 😁😊. Once you finish the Hanako's Pleasure get some rest, OK. 👍🏼

Larile Millvet

The great thing about your Big Momma tugjob idea is that it's an excuse to see her booty jiggle.