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*Sheva, and Rebecca yoga- I am waiting on the sound design for "The big Stretch" animation. Should get it later today, or sometime over the weekend. All I will need to do is add the facial animation to the sound. Will be released as soon as it is ready.

I have some motion test renders from the latest render showing off both movements.

The final project for Sheva, and Rebecca is in the final stages at the moment. I am still adding the flexes, and the liquids, but that is all that is needed other then the facial animation once sound is added to it. 

*Hanako's pleasure- I made a lot of progress with this project over the week. Got the three loops finalized. I still need to tweak the jiggles on the booty a bit, and get the puss puss suction a bit better around the massive dingus, but... The main part of the project is just adding the dynamic stuff from here on out. Hope to have most of the project done by next update, and off to a sound designer.

Here are two of the loops. (The first loop is the basic teasing. Not a lot changed)

The plan is to also end this project with the sticky goodness. I feel like a lot of my fans have been missing that part of my projects so I am going to try my best to try, and do it more often.

*Secret project- I have been developing a new alien character with a supporter for quite some time now. I hope to get all the needed props for him, and the scene at the beginning of the month. Hopefully I can get everything ported to Blender in time for next weeks update. The project will be set up like an older project I did. Will share more soon...

*That will be all for this update. Thanks a lot for the continued support. 




Excellent 😍 looking forward to it.


very good news thank you


Are u still doing cora bj?


No... A lot of issues popped up with the model. Overall quality, getting the lips to have a good sucking around the peen. A lot of things just weren't turning out how I liked it.