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*Hanako model updated- (Image above) did some quick tests after the re-port of Hanako. Wanted to go ahead, and do some basic pose tests to make sure the project would work in the positions, and scene I was using. For an older lady she be looking good....

*Miranda with Sensei Moe- I got a lot done this week. The main part I am working on now is Miranda's expressions. Trying to get the facial animation decent, and adding some life to her by moving her arms around.

The voice talents on this project did an absolute phenomenal job, and I am trying my best to not butcher the facial animations. This is the first time I've tried doing proper lip sync so it has been an interesting process to say the least. Still a lot to do before it is anywhere close for me to be happy with.

I have a Work In Progress of the lip sync here.  Check it out... Any feedback is ok with me. Both slip out, and put back in need lip sync. So those are the main areas I will be working on over the coming week.

*Mass Effect Deviance- While I waited for the voice actress to get done for "Miranda with Sensei Moe" I took the free time to work on another idea. Thought of what would happen if Sarama talked Shepard into sneaking into the consorts office for some hanky panky. How hot would it be to be throwing it around inside of the cute Asari's little hump pod.

WIP, not a camera angle, just to show off the movements.

Most of the main stuff is completed for this project. Just some simple clean up, and needs the dynamic goodness to finish her up. Plan on finishing this up over the weekend/early next week. The plan is to have alternates with Morinth, and Liara. Morinth is pretty easy to transfer the animation data. Liara is going to take some extra work/testing.

*Insatiable Subject Zero- The voice actress for Shepard is happy to lend their talents to the project, but she is a bit sick at the moment. So she will need some time to rest up, and make sure her voice is taken care of. I am still waiting on a response from the voice actress for Jack though. I will give her a bit more time to get back to me before trying to find an alternative voice actresses. Will probably give another week, or two. Don't want this project to be pushed into next month though. Have other projects I want to play with. (Hanako destroying some young futa being one of them)

I am mainly just waiting on the voice work for this project at the moment. I don't mind the little delay though. Allows me to continue to focus on the Miranda project.

*That will be all for this weeks updates. Thanks a lot for the continued support, and I hope you all have a good weekend.



Futures Investments

Truly amazing work as always, highly looking forward to the finished products! 😁