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*Insatiable Subject Zero (restart)- I ported the new Shepard earlier this week, and when I transferred the animation data... It completely borked the animation. After seeing the animation get destroyed I lost motivation to continue on this project. I thought because they had basically identical rigs it would just transfer, but that wasn't the case. I would basically have to start from scratch to continue the project. I didn't want to, but still wanted to play with Jack, and Shepard. So I came up with a new idea for Jack to be taking it deep.

I've been working to get the main loops flowing, and at a point that it would be somewhat close in progress to the last rendition of Insatiable Subject Zero.

Here are the loops I am playing with at the moment.

Going to have the loops slowly go into one another, and finish the animation off with a pull out to see the peen before slamming back in for a loop. Still going to have voice work, and some cheesy dialogue.

-Another technical thing that was getting in the way was the mesh of Jack. The mesh had the butts mesh being borked out of existence. I was trying to work around it, but it was just slowing me down, and was demotivating me. I went ahead, and ported my own jack for this project.

My jack on the left. Original Jack on the right

The crazy topology of the model on the right made it hard to animate booty jiggle, and just get into the position properly for a carry slam.

-The last thing is to show off what the new FutaShep looks like in Blender. Here is the side by side of the new Shepard's enhancements.

The plan is to clean up the loops over the weekend, and start on the transitions next week. I hope to have the animation in a state so I can reach out to voice talent at the beginning of the month to get Shepard, and Jack voiced.

*Bastila Dp part 2 (Both Barrels)- Because of the mess up of the Shepard, and Jack project I wasn't able to get Bastila part 2 completed this week. I will be trying to finish it up over the weekend, and hope for a early release next week.

Still quite a bit to do, but here is a wip of the animation

Just like part one... Will have all of the same versions for the final release. Black_Black, White_White, and everything in between.

*That will be all for this weeks animations. Sorry for the delay of the animations, but I think FutaShep, and Jack will be a lot better with the new changes. Thanks for taking the time, and thanks for the continued support.




Looks like shepard wants to hit the whole crew, next up will be Miranda.....lol


Been some time before I did a Miranda. Just need the right scenario with her.


Sorry to hear that the original animation broke for the Jane/femShep project. Glad that you came up with a new idea/project for the two. The two gif animations of them together look very promising and I like what you have in mind for the ending loop. Great gif of the double team on Bastila. Looking forward to their next updates. :)