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*The to long I don't want to read- I am switching over to a more learning workflow. Meaning mostly loops the rest of the year as I learn Daz3D. A character creation software. Simulations for breasts, and liquids are a must learn as well. Next big animation will be a FutaShep pounding Subject Zero once I learn how to port characters into Blender properly. Fully voiced with a creamy ending.

Next projects are of the lovely Elf Huntress, and a sexy Nyotengu animation request from one of my buddies. Thank you so much for the support.

*Some changes- So I have made the decision to get back to the stage of trying to learn new things. How to do more dynamic loops, simulations, and porting/creating new characters for Blender. While I try to learn new things I will be putting the larger animations on hold. They take up a lot of my time, and I personally feel like they aren't to a high enough standard to warrant getting voice acting done, and not producing content on a regular basis. A trade off that I think is slowing down my animation progression.

  -Dynamic loops- I do have a large animation planned to be completed before the end of the year. (I will discuss this project shortly) The majority of my time will be working on trying to create more dynamic looped animations. Being able to do loops allows for faster completion of an animation. Leading to overall just more reps on animation practice. With that being said I have some series of loops planned that could be pieced together to have a longer overall animation. I am still debating on if these projects should have some basic voice acting, or some loops that have a creamy part. We will see...

 -Simulations- Better breast jiggle, and liquid physics. I have a decent understanding of booty jiggle, and it will get better with more, and more projects. Hair physics could definitely need work, but most of my time will be trying to get those fun bags abouncin. I have a buddy that is helping me set up proper breast physics in Blender. It will help me get better movement, and speed up the workflow of making them jiggle in a provocative way. Liquid simulations are another thing that I want to learn by the end of the year. I have a decent method of doing creamy finishers, but the liquid gusher parts from our lovelies would be near impossible with my current method of liquid physics. So learning how to get a decent liquid sim is of a high priority of mine.

-Porting/Character creation- As of right now I am limited to the character models that others share. That leaves me limited to character selection for many reasons. I plan on learning how to port my own characters into Blender. Daz3D, another 3D software, has a lot of beautiful character models that can be used in Blender. The only problem is actually porting them into Blender, and rigging parts of the model. The peen will need to have a rig upgrade, and the lady parts will need to have some driver updates to be able to fit into my workflow. It is easier said then done so... Most of my time will be learning how to use Daz, and how to port models from Daz into Blender properly.
    Because of this is the main reason why I am going full on into just creating loops. Being able to create decent content for my supporters as well as trying to learn another software that will only enable my future projects. Being able to port models, and rig them to my liking opens the door for branching out of Mass Affect, and other niche games. I hear that Apex Legends has some beautifully well endowed babes on all fronts, and I would love to play with those babes... Loba has a bottomless vault that needs sealed good, and proper.
       For my big project though I have a larger animation that just needs the proper models. I need a well hung Futa Femshep to whip the ladies of the Normandy into shape. So before this year is over I need to be able to create a Futa Shepard in Daz (The easiest part), and then port her into Blender properly (the tricky part). The first project to really test the model out will be FutaShep carrying, and giving Jack a good pounding. Multiple hard hitting thrusting speeds, cheesy voice acting, and a healthy Icky Sticky finisher. I will complete this project before the end of 2021. It depends on when it is completed on if I will do more big projects this year.

-With all of that being said. I have a lot I want to learn, but the year is only half way over. Still a lot of time left to complete Jacks discipline (title is still a WIP) With the better sims, more practice at just animating, and the knowledge of the powerful Software Daz3D will make 2022 a very fun year of creation.

*Current project ideas for July- I had a buddy request something before I went on break so I will be playing with that while I work on my other projects too. Pictured above is a concept of the animation pose I put together. It is slightly changed in the current version.

Current request pose layout- Nyotengu from Dead or Alive

-The Elf Huntress is having some fun again. I have two series planned for this thicc warrior. One where she has lost to an Ogre, and he is taking advantage of her current positions. So far I only have two parts to this series. (Still thinking about how to end it with the icky sticky)

Here is the pose idea of the first loop of "Ogre Attack" (Dats going to be a lot of damage.)

My other idea with the Elf is to have her playing nice with a thick boi Orc. This series is a bit longer. I currently have five ideas planned between Elf babe, and Orc with a wide variety of poses, angles, some slip outs, and of course a creamy finisher before looping.

Here is the pose for the first loop of "Orc Fun." Still debating on vag, or butt for the opener of the series.

*I will never be able to express how much I appreciate the support I've gotten the past few months. All I can really say is thank you so much for the support, and for the feedback. I feel like I will be able to create something that peaks your interest over the coming months rather you continue to support me financially, or just be being a fan, and keeping up with my latest projects on various sites. It is amazing to see either. All you need to know is I hear you. Thick babes being stuffed by some big ole peens. With the occasional raunchy voice work from some talented individuals. I hope you all had a wonderful June, and hope you have a better July.

Thank you for the support.




Looking forward to it 👌


thank you a good news on your future projects


Seriously tho, looking forward to your progress. Welcome back sir


Yep, and thanks for the patience... First projects are coming along nicely already. Like putting back on a glove.


Sounds great my man, especially the dynamic loop part! Let's hope the porting from Daz to Blender works out well. Looking forward to the upcoming projects <3 !


The porting stuff is already moving faster then I expected. Will be sharing some a progress report in a few days