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With "Jill on the X" completed there are only two more big projects to do. One is coming on very nicely, and the other has some big changes happening. Lets get into it.

*Big Momma's Big Ass- This project is coming along very nicely. OolayTiger knocked it out of the park with bringing Big Momma to life. From how seductive Big Momma is to the excitement of talking about herself down to the extremely erotic explanation of her partner pounding her. I was blown away by Oolay's performance, and am taking extra care to make sure that the animation quality is the best that I can make it. This project is of course going to end with a sticky situation.

The only thing changing with this project is that I wont have it in early access. Because it is a copy, and paste of a comic. I don't feel right trying to profit off of someone elses hard work. With that being said here is one of the frames from early on in the animation with Big Momma talking about her backside.

*My trainer is a horny alien: Ashley Williams- This project has had some major changes from what I had concepted, and teased in an older update. I wasn't liking any of the test renders for the animation, and was struggling to get the project to my liking so I overhauled the animation a lot. There will now be two parts of the animation. A loop, and the full animation.

-Loop: This is a quick looped animation that will still be using parts of the voice acting from both the Alien, and Ashley voice acting. It is about a 23 second loop. Fun, and simple, and is getting close to being done. I have a part of the animation where I want to test out some proper facial animation. That is the most consuming part at the moment. I hope to have this loop done at either by the end of the week, or early next week depending on how long sound design takes to finish.

This is the pose the loop will be using from what was the larger animation.

-Larger project- With my other idea for the larger project not coming out how I liked it... I am happy to say that I am really enjoying the quick rework of an old loop of this project. Depending on how well the loop goes on facial animation. I will be trying to add some facial animation to this project as well. Of course this project will also have a creamy ending leaving both our alien, and Alliance soldier satisfied. The full animation is a little over a minute long still.

Here is a screenshot of what was an older loop idea reworked into being the main loop for the project.

-That will be about it for this update. Another dynamic loop with voice acting, and two projects ending with a creamy finisher. The loop should be out before the end of the month, but both of the larger projects wont be out this month because of render times, and sound design. I don't like to rush my sound designers so... Expect those projects released next month. Big Momma will be released once it is finished, and the Horny trainer will be in early access for one week once it is fully completed.

Thank you for the support I can't express how much I appreciate it.



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