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*Haydee's Pleasure cave- So... Big Momma part two is finished, but... For personal reasons I wont be doing part three. I wont get into it here, but.. The entire project was fun, and I learned a lot doing it. The idea was to take larger projects, and break them up into parts so I can release a decent animation in a reasonable amount of time. I now understand that this was a bad idea on my part. I don't know what else to say., but sorry. Maybe I could make some images using the idea for what part three would have been, and still give that Icky Sticky ending that people were probably waiting so long for.

The animation has been uploaded to the mega folder, and is out now. I wont be putting it behind a limited paywall, because I feel like it isn't right to do so with a half baked animation. 

*Moving forward in 2021- I still have the Patreon requests that I am going to focus on for the rest of the month, and maybe into next month. That is all of them that have wip posts, and those that I am still concepting, or still have in the back log. After that I wont be accepting requests anymore. I'm going to try, and evaluate a good way to still make decent animations, but also be able to accomplish all of the projects I set out to create. Leading up to this point I have been doing things that are above my skill set.

Because I want to be transparent. After I have completed all of the current requests I will be taking a small break from animating small, and large projects. I would like to learn how to create simulations. Mainly for tiddy jiggle. I feel like I am getting a pretty good understanding of jiggle for the booty. It is just going to be down to practice on that. Breasts are a very mysterious thing. They seam to bounce around on a whim, and it is hard to get it to look decent. So I feel like learning how to get proper simulations will be very beneficial moving forward. Allowing me to concentrate on dynamic loops, and transitions.

As well as learning those, (because I know it will be hurting my brain to do so) I will be also be learning how to make some basic scenes to help add more context to looped animations with out needing a lot of verbal story in the animation. On my little break I will still be animating some basic things to do tests on the jiggles. I would like to share everything I am doing to make sure to let you guys know that I am still doing something to improve in Blender.

I feel like this entire post is me just complaining, or making up excuses to why I am just dropping projects, or never completing shown off projects. I am hoping this will be the last post I will make talking about a cancelation of a big project. In the future I will only show off projects that are further along in production, and I can see the end in sight. Paying more attention to the quick loops, and the basic animation ideas. I feel like some of you don't mind seeing the wip stuff, and never seeing the end product. I don't really know though.

With that being said. I am sorry, and as always. Thank you for the support.




Personally there is no problem I am happy that you create, take the time for you, your work and beautiful, the breasts I like that so to see more things with I would be happy thanks for the video