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      I can't express enough on how much I appreciate all of the support I have been given so early in my NSFW animation "career". I've only been practicing for a little over a year now, and I am blown away by the support I am being given. With that being said. I have had a few supporters ask about commissions, or other ways to support me more then they already are. I'm not ready to open up to proper commissions at the moment. I love doing the requests that you guys are giving me, but I can't put a price tag on my skill level at the moment. 

      So to those that are supporting me at the "Supporting Icky" $3 Tier at the moment. I will be keeping that Tier. The extra Tiers I add are completely optional, and for those that feel inclined to donate more the the base Tier. As of right now I have nothing planned to be released for the upper Tiers. Please keep that in mind when thinking about supporting me.

The extra Tiers will be added at the beginning of the year. (January 1st 2021)

*Supporting Icky ($3 Tier)

- Access to WIP updates on current big projects. (MEGA folder access)

-Access to polls for big projects

-Reference/requests for basic loops 

*Extra Support ($5 Tier)

-Same benefits as the Supporting Icky Tier. I don't know what to add to this Tier at the moment.

-I was thinking early access on larger projects. Giving a week before I release it to the public. This is up to you guys on if that is a good idea, or not.

*Mega Support ($10+)

-All of the other benefits.

-More potential for early access. Thinking one week still, but feel like this Tier really needs it for the amount of support.

-Black, and White versions. If I use a male in my projects I have the option to easily switch their race from black to white. Some projects will have a dedicated race behind them. (Haydee's pleasure cave for example) Thinking instead of alternate camera angles. I can release alternate versions of race. This can be fore Futa's in the future too. Only time will tell. Because of render times I wont release both versions publicly.

-I will take ideas from you guys for what to put in this Tier, and will be thinking myself on what to add.



very good idea, I could not give more than 3 for the moment, but very good idea to have several tier


Sounds promising :)