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Quite a long read of my thoughts about the project, and just a way of how I am going about the future...

I am extremely sorry about taking a long time to give an update on this project. I had quite a few set backs on this project. I wanted it to basically be four parts. A basic tease. A dynamic transition of busting Ada open. Nice fast, and hard pounding. Dynamic transition where Mr. X pulls out, and Ada pushes him back in. Loop it.

I reworked the first transition four times. Each time worse then the last in my opinion. Couldn't really get the slams to look decent enough to start working on the more "characteristic movements". (Where Ada is reacting to X slamming inside of her) The third, and forth iteration had Ada moving, and reacting to the slams, but I couldn't get it to my liking.

So with the realization that I still have so much to learn. I've decided to take a step back, and take a look at what I was "Successful" with in the past, and things I did decent, but could use to improve moving forward. Dynamic basic loops. Meaning having one or two basic loops, and then piling some fun stuff on top of it. I really enjoyed doing these basic animations, and to be honest. Are way more enjoyable then stressing over larger projects.

So that is the plan with "Ada X files" get a solid basic slamming loop. (Shown above, or in the mega folders WIP archive) What you see is just a prototype of me playing around, and seeing what I can create. She is kind of split down the middle with how I was practicing. Starting on the left, and then iterating on the right. Most noticeable in the breast movement.

I do still have a few goals on this project that I believe are more realistic. Solid basic loop with quite a bit of dynamic stuff layered on top. 

*Hip movement to help break up just an in, and out. Improving on the method that I used in "Ashley against the glass"

*Some basic movements from Ada. Grabbing the sides of the desk. Rubbing her inner thighs. Placing a hand on her belly to feel X's meat stick moving in, and out. Biting her finger to hold back her moans. All things that I prototyped but failed to live up to my expectations.

*I still plan to have X yank his taliwacker out, and have Ada guide him back to her entrance. I've done something similar to this in the past. So I am confident that at the least.... I can have him yank it out, and rub the shaft against her abused love spot, before slamming back in to continue the loop.

*The only thing that is still up in the air is lip sync with a voice actress. Two reason behind this. I only know of one person that has a demo of doing an Ada voice. (The beautifully talented ChloeAngel) I have no problems with working with her again, but it seems that she is busy with a "real job." Either way I do plan to reach out to her when the time comes, and I haven't found another voice actress. The other reason behind maybe not a full lip sync is... I only have practice with it on one of my projects. "Liara pounded by Alien" That was still just basic mouth movements with the timing of moans. Not actual words. I am still going to try my best to do this though. Being a POV project, and all.

With the understanding of my current skill set. I want to really dial in on that. Basic loop, and adding dynamic layers on top of it. This is hopefully not going to ruin my end products. I would like to still get voice work for these, and try to make them longer projects at the end of the day. One minute juicy animations over a 10 second basic loop, over, and over. This mind set is going to carry over into the Ashley with a yoga instructor, and beyond until one day those crazy ambitious ideas are just a reality. Do keep in mind that I still want to do longer animations. I am just reworking how I am going to be doing those projects. Multiple loops using the scenery to hide a pose change. Maybe just doing a mini series of releasing each loop by itself until I complete the series then compiling them all together for one long video. 

In the end Sorry for the long read, and I think you for making it this far. I still have all of the animation data of the tease part of the old project. I plan to render that out real fast over the next few days, and just release it. Most likely no sound, but will give people something to look at while I revamp this project, and finish up some Patreon requests. I will be making a post on those here soon. Thank you for understanding, and above all else. Thank you for the continued support.


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Looking forward to what comes next. Test render is looking good. Love Ada's tits jiggling :D keep us posted on anything else ;)


it was a big read thank you