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So I got my computer a little bit earlier then expected. With the improvements of a proper pc over a laptop. I was able to render out "Haydee Can't Suck Cock" in Cycles over Eevee. Being able to do this did wonders for my mental sanity.

Let me explain. Eevee rendering for some reason destroys a lot of that crazy detail that the characters I use have. Also another thing that Eevee is really bad at is creating a good sticky nut butter affect. I have been trying for over a year to get a decent ejaculate material.

This is a render using Eevee. Pay close attention to the gooey goodness clinging to the two babes. Very white, and overall not appealing to look at.

While here is a render using Cycles. The coom isn't just a basic solid white color. It is white in the places its thicker, and becomes more transparent the thinner it gets. 

Just overall lighting, shadows, textures are better in Cycles. I've been wanting to use Cycles for ever, but on my laptop a Cycles render would take anywhere from twenty minutes to forty depending how heavy the scene was. With my new pc I was getting renders down to thirty seconds. Averaging around forty second a frame. This of course being on a very very basic scene, and only two characters. Renders in the future will undoubtably be longer just from having a proper scene.

Another thing that is noticeable in the Cycles render is a grainy look to the characters. This is a result of low sample counts. I did this to get this project rendered in higher quality then Eevee, and get it out in a decent time frame. In the future I will be using high sample counts to push back that grainy look, and have a cleaner look. Trying my best to keep renders below three minutes. If I'm lucky below two.  This will allow for better looking renders, and a higher quality animation overall. Something to compliment me as I continue to improve over the months to come. The longer render times shouldn't interfere with release times. I plan to render the animation out as my sound designer does their magic bringing the project to life.

One last thing on Cycles. As you can see from the images above. That nut butter looks so much better in Cycles over Eevee. Because Eevee destroys most materials, and I have failed to create a decent material. This forced me to not be satisfied with doing those explosive endings. Both inside, and out. With the ability to use Cycles now. I am confident that I will be more then happy to fling some fluids around. 

*Off of Cycles, and onto another topic that has bugged me for some time. Frame rates in Blender, and textures of a viewport. On my laptop I was animating at 30fps. This allowed for smoother animations overall, but... Either way. I was only able to reach 20ish frames per-second playback. (Playback being when I pressed play in Blender to look at the animation. I was only able to see 20ish frames a second of the 30 I was animating at.)

Before... I was animating with a viewport like this with 20ish fps

A viewport like this isn't the problem. The lower then adequate fps, and the regular viewport like this doesn't match up to a preview render. Causing more work to be done then what is desired. The movement of the animation is always off. Tight fitting things like to clip. A hand holding onto things, the penis clipping through the edges of the vagina. A lot of stuff that shouldn't be happening. 

How this is fixed now. With the new pc I've decided to go back down to 24fps for my animations for many reasons. One... cutting six frames off of a second is a lot in terms of render time. (At least six plus minutes will be saved per every second of animation) Not only are render times going to be nicer, but also still longer at the end of the day. It is a lot easier to achieve that full 24fps while animating. Not only a proper play back, but I can also do all of this in material view over shader view.

What you see in viewport is what you get in the renders. No more rendering a project just to see if the peen is clipping with the vag. Also at the top left of the image you see "fps:25" What I see in theory is what I will get in the final renders. I will be doing test renders on the next couple projects just to make sure this is true, but... This will speed up my workflow quite a bit.  

*Another test I am doing is videos on Patreon. It forces me to use a third party site for the videos. Which is annoying, but... If everything works properly. I can just use mega as the other site for the videos. I don't like forcing you guys to go to mega to check out the WIP videos, or releases. I want Mega to be a secondary location for you to download the videos. Not view the videos.

With that be said. I hope you don't mind seeing how a horse cock would walk/move around. This idea came from one of my biggest supporters. I thought it would be a simple animation to test out not only the material view fps, but also to test the video player on Patreon. (This is also my very first time trying a walk cycle)

*Speaking of others ideas. I will be releasing another post soon to take any, and all of your ideas to render. Something that can be animated quickly, and help improve basic little things while I work on the main project.

Thank you all for the support. It means so much.


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Glad you can use a better program and make animations/videos that match your preferences! It's nice to see how much your attention to detail is on your work and I think we all appreciate it very much.


thank you news