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     *I have officially completed the animation stuff for "Haydee can't suck cock." I sent it off to my sound designer, but they informed me that they are busy at the moment. So it will be delayed most likely into the beginning of next month. Sorry about this, but I trust they will do a good job. So I don't mind waiting.

Things I still need to finish with the project though-

Lighting, Minor texturing, Smoothing out, and playing with the materials for the sticky nut juice.               This stuff doesn't take long, and is how I do all of my projects.

*With that being said I am going to take a momentary break away from larger projects. I ordered a proper pc a few days ago now, and it should arrive on the 9th of next month. (11/9/2020) This is if the current pandemic doesn't cause any delays of some sort. Fingers crossed.  I do have a request animation I am going to throw together while I wait for the new pc.

Speaking on requests though. You may, or may not have seen that I am teasing requests, and animation polls for my benefits on Patreon. Over the next few days I am going to make a couple concepts that I would like for you guys to vote on. I plan on doing both of these animations, but I want get some feedback, and see what those that support me the most would like to see first. 

Doing multiple big projects at once is giving me more anxiety then I want. Cutting two big projects down to one at a time, and bouncing back, and forth between loops, and the main project. I would like these loops to be requested/referenced by those supporting me. Doing these will allow me to spend all the time I need on larger projects. While also still releasing content on a regular basis. Hopefully every week, or a bi-weekly basis. I still haven't decided if I should have sound added to these loops, or not. 

So I will be running a poll on the next project in a few days.

As always. Thank you all for the support. It means more then you could ever imagine, and I don't have the words to describe it. Thank you.

Here is a quick clip of the final animation showing off our big dicked Futa getting a stiffy in front of Haydee's eyes.




thank you news