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  • Liara's Long night (WIP).mp4
  • Liara pounded by alien (WIP).mp4



To everyone that has supported me thus far. Thank you so much. I don't have the vocabulary to express how thankful I am to already have people interested in supporting me, and seeing what I may create in the future. Everything I create is at a lower standard then I wish it to be, but I am trying to learn/improve everyday. Thank you, and with that being said. I have been learning some features of Blender that can assists with creating much more ambitious, and robust animations. These projects are utilizing these new found features.

*Liara pounded by an alien- I haven't used big proportions in a while, nor have I done a belly bulge animation in some time. These are probably the biggest "assets" that I have ever animated with. With playing with such large spectacles. It is quite difficult to try, and create somewhat realistic movement, and jiggle. The plan is to have two loops, and two transitions. A basic loop that is shown above (WIP download available). Combined with another basic loop with the Alien going to town on our beautiful Asari. Plans for smooth transitions between each basic loop.

*Liara's long night- Another basic looped animation idea. Two basic loops with a smooth transition between. First loop pictured above (WIP download available). Mixed with our lucky human going into overdrive trying to please our alien friend. If you are not into black guys, and would prefer to see a white male with Liara. The plan is to have both races available. This is one way that I am creating this animation so I can start playing with adding audio to animations. I may swap out the second Asari for Ashley, or Miranda. Let me know what you guys think. Should it stay two aliens, or swap her out. I am open to opinions.

Two Work In Progress videos available to show off the progress so far. They are still in the early stages of setting up the basic loop. Both are subject to change drastically before the final release.  Thank you again for the support.

1080p mp4 video 




I just wrapped up an animation request. It has been sent off to have sound added to it, and should be released to the public soon. "Ashley against the glass" is in the final stages of animation. I am tweaking the jiggle physics, finishing the hand movements, and adding facial expressions. Just need one more test render to find things that need tweaked, and then adding the final texture detailing. After these projects shared to you are released I plan on trying to create something more substantial. Meaning the hopes of a slightly longer animation (Most likely still less then one minute) that will have voice acting, and more detailed sound design (Where I am setting down with a sound designer, and being more specific about what goes into the animation). This project I plan on putting most of my effort. I still have a couple other animation request that I will be playing with along side this beefier/more ambitious animation. Thank you for reading.