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*Shadowheart's Githyanki Curiosity- I got the voice acting for one of the characters back. Still waiting on the second voice, but next week I will be focusing on wrapping this project up for y'all.

*Promotion project- I have the voice acting back, and trying to wrap this project up. I just have a couple things to clean up, and part of the sound design to finish. Hope to have it out tomorrow, or the day after if I am lucky.

*Icky Sticky's future- I feel like every few months I go through a roller-coaster of emotions about my animations, and what I am creating. I keep remembering why I got interested in animation to begin with. Being extremely inspired by 26Regions, KisX, Amusteven, and Sumthindiffrnt.
But most of all I was inspired by Jared9999D, and BlackAdder's comics. I remember saying "I wished they were animated." These beautiful babes with weird creatures always got my monkey brain fired up. Always wonderful content from these two.

Last year I attempted to create my own Icky Sticky Universe but failed horribly. My orc Luna was going to be one of the main characters. I've decided to adjust the whole idea a big. Adjusting the main character from a Futa to a Female.
I've been checking out BlackAdder's comics again, and got inspired to try again with more of a Tomb Raider idea in mind. A sexy babe going around trying to collect artifacts, and getting down an dirty with weird creatures.

The first project will be a DP with the Imp babes, and then I already have story pieces written down for a Minotaur character, and an Anubis style of character.

I only have the main female to show off at the moment. (Imps were already teased)

All WIP images here

I'm still collecting some of the scenes/prop stuff for episode one. Hope to start the production on this project next month. This time around I am going to use a software to layout the whole animation to keep track of everything.

While this will be my big project moving forward, and it will take months to finish. I will continue to try, and make smaller projects. Hopefully projects that can be accomplished within a month of animating. (Not counting time needed for voice acting/sound design) Along with a lot of basic loops along the way.

I am going to call this series Adventure Antics. I will be going silent on this project for now, but wanted to give a little hint of the beauty heavily inspired by Lara Croft, and the overall Tomb Raider series.
Will do a proper update about the project once I have something in motion worth sharing.

*That will be all for this little update- Got a lot of ideas I want to do from the Asari babes to other characters I want to port to Blender for naughty goodness. Animations, and more renders coming soon.

Thank you for the continued support. It means a lot.




I'm hyped by your character, I'm a mega fan of 26Regions, Blackadder, 😍😍 thank you news