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Hey there. My last proper post or finished drawing was back in July.

A lot of this is just gonna be an emotional dump so if you just wanna look at the doodles that's totally cool. This isn't "required reading." My work is meant to cheer people us and inject positivity and inspiration into the hearts of those that see it.

A lot of stuff has changed since then that has sort of made things difficult for me creatively, and emotionally. Since my last post I was a college student studying UX Design. Things were fine at the beginning of the summer but went steadily downhill. My whole family decided to spend two months across the country and I chose to stay home to look after the home while I took online classes. The solitary nature of seeing very few people during my time alone compounded with the stress of keeping up in school, as well as a multitude of other things that life throws at you. Needless to say I was in a pretty dire spot towards the end of the summer and I was not feeling very confident in my ability to pass my classes.

There were also other factors breathing down my neck such as the fact that my parents, who have so graciously let their 24 year old son stay in their home while he gets his life together, will be selling their home and moving.

With this combination of issues I took it upon myself to drop out and pursue a UX career. My parents were not thrilled with my performance in school, so they have understandably began charging me rent while I embarked on my job hunt. They also are no longer paying for things like my therapy, and medication either. So coming out from a very stressful time in school, I've come face to face with the very real threat of getting kicked out and potentially homeless. 

The last two months I've made an intensely consorted effort to both keep myself afloat selling things to meet rent, and also fighting through an intense job hunt in a tough market. Right now is not the best time to find a UX job compared to the same time last year. Sucks, but I intend to pull through.

I've been constantly stressed out and looking for ways to cope with the anxiety and depression. Most of the time this would be through games; thusly, I haven't been able to find the inspiration or drive to make any finished pieces. Nobody has really put the pressure on me to make art but I still feel overwhelmed. I'm grateful for everyone patience with me, if I really even matter enough to be remembered.




Scug...slugcat spotted