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I've mentioned this on the Discord but I feel like its important that I make an announcement about this here. As of this month, I am halting and phasing out all sketch rewards. Those who have paid for this month's MEGALODON tiers will receive your rewards in December, but after that there will be no more sketch rewards. I do not have plans to bring them back but it is possible that some point in the far future that sketch rewards may return, but I would not hold my breath if I were you.

I do not have any ideas for special rewards for MEGALODONs, but as a parting gift for everyone who participated in the tier, I will offer Helltaker style emotes, of which I will work on this coming January.

MEGALODON tiers will remain, however they will function as a support tier and wont have extra benefits compared to the Bull Shark tier.

Those who choose to drop out of MEGALODON now will still be qualified to receive your sketch request next month.

I appreciate the amount of support that you guys have given me more than you know. Its been a terrific experience and everyone has been so kind and understanding to me.

I should also mention that even if the monthly patronage drops below the $1k goal, I will still begin work on the adult comic very early next year. 

Don't feel like you are obligated to give me more than you have to, I've said it to y'all individually and I'll say it to everyone again. Your financial stability matters. Please don't force yourself to support me if it means you're putting yourself in a risky position.

With sketch requests out of the way, I will have much more time to focus on the content you guys love and subscribe for. Thank you <3

Note: I will be lifting the restrictions on how many people can join each tier. Joining the tier does not qualify you for a sketch next month.



Love ya, I'm happy you're taking this decision to work on what you really want ♥️