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Hey guys! Im offering my VR Chat Apricot avatar to my patrons! Add me on Steam and DM me your Patreon profile so I can bring you into a private world to clone this avatar. This took me 3 days to finish so I'm very proud to be able to share it with you guys now!

Edit: With the help of patron and acquaintance, Garland, I've worked to revamp the model for Apricot in VR Chat.

And as an added little bonus the model features a desktop 3rd person mode that activates during emotes and when you press Shift+F2 or Shift+F3. Likewise you can turn off the 3rd person mode by pressing Shift+F4. There are two different thirdperson camera angles respectively. Enjoy!




Good thing I've already met you haha


Is it December? Because it feels like Christmas with all these gifts you've been giving! The model looks awesome, I'm eager to get my hands on it 🦈💙👀


Was a lot of fun last night man! Thanks for meeting up


It was fun remaking d-floes style translated into 3d.