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Just designing a commission sheet with my demon gal, Alya as the example image! (Who i specifically made for drawing bondage but havent had the time to use haha ;_;)

Commissions will open on the 1st March and I'll only be doing simple style commissions, like the art I do here on Patreon. I've really been burnt out on doing the fully rendered commission style I usually do and I have been for a while. It looks great in the end (to me haha) but spending sometimes over a week on 1 drawing is sucking the soul outta me and I dont wanna start resenting drawing.

ALSO I wont be drawing DiD (Damsel in Distress) for a bit too. Same as before, I've been drawing it for 4 years now I'm getting burnt out on it.  I'll still draw consenual bondage tho :O



Spelt Wrong, but right.

Good news and bad news it seems. But mostly good it seems. I hope we can help you in anyway we can. Whether it’s commissioning something simple or just a sexy bust of a beautiful wo/man. Any thing you wanna say, just tell us. And we who care about you, will support any decision.

Trevor Bond

Fair enough! She looks pretty good!


I'll have something wholesome for you when March rolls around.

Kiwi Kink

Hopefully I'll be able to grab something when you open, have a couple of ideas that might make the grade :)