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Birth of Equestria is moving to a new home... boequestria.co.uk

this will mean that I will be more able to protect my readers from unwarranted harassment, as well as providing a more reliable upload timetable due to the scheduled publishing options.

for the time being BOE will be appearing both on DA and on boequestria.co.uk But eventually I will stop posting to DA and be moving over to the new website for distribution.

the website is still a Work in progress and improvements are still being made.  If you have any suggestions or requests I would be interested in hearing them.



Still on Patreon, yeah? :o


Yes. but the patreon servers are being wierd right now and not allowing me to upload pictures. this has happened before and I'll be able to upload later. hopefully today. otherwise tomorow evening will be my next oportunity to try.


As long as BOE is either on DA or your new website offers an RSS feed (which is does - thank you), I'll continue to follow the strip.