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Heyy everyone!
I've got some BIG announcements to make! I've been silently cooking some really juicy projects and its time i reveal those (Just a bit!)., since they are coming along well ・▽・))⊃

I have two game ideas i am working on! One will be horror themed and another that is more romance focused. I will be releasing the first build of the horror game the coming month for you guys to play! The second game will follow it sometime later since its a longer project!
And ofcourse Marin will come too!

I want to say i really appreciate your support that makes these endeavors possible for me and i hope you are exxcited as i am to play my upcoming games〃ω〃)!!💜

I'll share more news soon!!!
Cheerss~ (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧
