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Heya everyone!
Yelan heard from fischl you have some special "intel" and she is about to get it from you in style ・▽・))⊃!
Truly sorry about how long this took guyss! I was clearly juggling multiple things at once and wasnt able to finish her in time. Was trying to finish this on top of getting the first build of my game ready to be played and i've been working on another character which i'll post the wip of tomorrow!!
The bright side is, the voice on this turned out really close to hers, but it take me two other seiyus to work with to get it right! I've pushed the quality of the animation further with this lewd, so i really hope you guyss enjoy!💜

Yelans voiced by @MknYmym

You can get your rewards here!
Download Link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1yPmgHlZur-Iw1SVAjveIjwetnX336j6i

Cheerss~ (ノ´ヮ´)ノ*:・゚✧




Oh hell yeah. The wait was most definitely worth it. Good work!


Sorry, may I ask why the link is still Gifs instead of animation?


Its visible to me, but it wasn't when i looked at it from another browser somehow.. But its fixed now ^^/


Thank you for being able to see it